Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay on the Economics of Climate Change

How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay on the Economics of Climate Change If you have set out to complete a cause and effect essay, the first thing you want to uncover is whether you have to write specifically about a cause OR an effect, or if you have to write about both. It is very likely that your teacher will ask you to only cover one, given that the page length required to cover both adequately in the same essay would be quite high. That being said, the cause and effect essay is one which explores, as the name suggests, either the cause of something or the effects of it. For the economics of climate change, you must explore the cause of higher energy costs in a specific area, or the causes of the death of the krill shrimp. When you are writing this type of essay, you must consider certain things: your audience (teacher). Surely your entire work should not circle around your teacher, but you want to make sure that you do what is asked of you by reviewing the teacher’s notes and assignment details at the start of your work. You want to consider whether the teacher is your only audience, or if your essay is something to be shared with the class. Keywords Be on the lookout for keywords which instruct you as to the way your essay should be written. These include words such as: Analyze; Compare AND contrast; Compare OR contrast; Explore; You also want to look for limiting words such as: Only from chapter 6; Between chapter 1 and 10; Between 1800 and 1900; After 1990; For the United States. You don’t want to write a great essay on energy methods in Mexico when your teacher specifically asked you to write about Germany. Title The title is an important part of your writing. It is something that should grab the attention of your reader. You don’t want a boring title that simply says â€Å"Facts on Wind Energy†. This is mundane. Instead, try for something more insightful such as â€Å"Saving What’s Left: the Burden of the New Generation†. Introduction This is where you introduce the topic to your reader in the form of your thesis (choose the one among our topics on economics of climate change).You want this to be the road map for your reader such that they can see what you are going to reveal in the body of your content. Body This is where you develop or flesh out your main topic (use the facts on economics of climate change to back up your topic). Your goal here is to keep one key idea per paragraph and to ensure each paragraph not only substantiates the idea you have, but tunnels back to the main thesis statement. The reader should conclude each body paragraph with a more comprehensive understanding of your topic, with new information and new facts. Conclusion This is where you signal to the reader the essay is over. It is where you reiterate your ideas and where you offer a concluding statement of what the reader should take away from your work.

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